links for 2007-04-16
- Ladies and Gentlemen… Roxy Bellows! The funniest woman. Ever. (tags: roxy comedy chicago)
- Stay in Sync with GCal and Thunderbird. Two-way sync between Google Calendar and Thunderbird (with Lightning) (tags: thunderbird lightning google calendar sync extension mozilla)
- django-tagging – Google Code Generic tagging application for Django (tags: django tagging webapp development)
- Relo – Relationship based Exploration Eclipse plugin which allows exploration of a codebase based on relationships. (tags: eclipse semantic semanticweb plugin visualization)
- Python Cheese Shop : pypicache 0.1 Provides a relatively painless way to convert a single directory of python packages into an easy_install compatible package archive. (tags: python setuptools pypi zc.buildout)
- grassyknoll – Google Code A Python-based storage and search service, intended for read-heavy applications. Pluggable backends and search tools. (tags: python webapp search lucene indexing)